Ask One Question to Increase Taproom Sales

“You become what you give your attention to.” -Epictetus

We’ve reached a point in craft beer where it’s really hard to grow sales.

You’ve seen the data, the trends, the stats. There’s a lot of doom and gloom out there.

A lot of things you simply can’t control.

However, one thing that is within your control is what you give your attention to, where you focus, and what questions you ask of your team.

Ask your taproom manager one question each day to bring attention to the top line: 

“What will you do today to increase sales?”

Ask variations on the question. “How might we increase sales?” or “What resources do you need right now to help grow sales?”

As Tony Robbins said, “where attention goes, energy flows.”

Give attention to your taproom sales and watch it grow.

Do this next…





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