The Brewery Start-Up Course

Category: Financial

The start-up brewery financial course is perfect for breweries in the planning phase.

The course is self-paced, includes videos, guides and spreadsheet templates to help build your brewery financial plan.

What’s included in the course:

  • How to build a Sales Plan: The Steps to estimate sales through the taproom, to retailers and to wholesalers
  • How to Price your Beer: The Pricing Matrix which shows you how to price beer at retail + how to price beer to Wholesalers
  • Taproom Tools: The most profitable part of your brewery, how to plan sales, margins and expenses
  • Start-Up costs, capital needed and how to get funding
  • Financing Basics: Loan terms, typical loan structures, and the Magic Formula to get funding

Already have a brewery up and running? The course materials on sales projections, pricing your beer and financing an expansion can help you, too.

Each course module comes with videos, guides and spreadsheet downloads. The videos walk you step-by-step through the process of creating a Start-Up Financial Plan for your Brewery.

Yours in Financial Planning,


Craft Brewery Financial Training Members: To get the course, Log In to your account and access the Online Courses from the Member Menu. 

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