Brewery Short Course: How to Build a Financial Pro Forma

Category: Financial

A financial pro forma is a forward looking projection of brewery financial results.

Sales, margins and operating expenses need to be estimated. Net income and EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization) need to be calculated.

In summary, the the pro forma will serve as the backbone of your financial planning and your loan application to a bank.

In the Short Course: How to Finance your Craft Brewery, we’ll walk through the steps to create your financial pro forma.

We’ll cover the common questions that bankers will ask, so that you’ll be prepared when the time comes to go for your brewery loan.

The course contents include:

  • Brewery Financing Basics: Loan Terms, Loan Types, Typical Loan Structures
  • Working with Lenders: How they evaluate breweries, What they need from you, How to make the most of the relationship
  • Loan Covenants + Calculations: Debt Service, Leverage…add how to add these to your financial reporting
  • Loan schedule spreadsheet: How to Map out what you owe, monthly obligations
  • Private Money, Investors, Outside capital: Friendly debt, What’s it worth…
  • Start-Up, Growth, Mature Breweries: Effect of Debt on Brewery Financials

For a preview of the course, check out the 2-minute video.

Craft Brewery Financial Training Members: To access this Short Course, Log In to your account and go to the Online Courses from the Member Menu. 

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