3 Key Taproom Metrics

A Metric is a quantifiable measure used to track and assess the status of a business process.

More simply, a key metric is a number you should look at every day. It’s a number or numbers that will make a real difference in the financial or operational results of your taproom.

A key metric is a number that when achieved, will boost your taproom profits.

There are 3 Key Taproom Metrics that you should track and measure at least once a month:

  1. Total Guest Count. How many customers visit your taproom.
  2. Average Ring per Guest. How much each customer spends when they visit.
  3. Total Taproom Sales. Draft beer, package beer, merchandise and so on. Total sales through the taproom.

Borrow this Taproom Tracker to capture each of the key metrics above and compare against your budget or prior results.


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