The X Factor to Cut Brewery Costs

Category: Podcasts

In today’s podcast we hear the audio version of a recent Brewery Financial Round Table meeting where we tackle brewery cost management and expense reduction.

Summary of key points:

  • Use this 1-2-3-4 step process to put a laser focus on cost cutting and reduction
  • Share the Brewery Financial Training Program with your managers and staff – train them in the ways of identifying and reducing (or eliminating) bloated costs
  • Key challenges we discussed: Controlling costs related to production and materials, freight and shipping, finding efficiencies, avoiding cost surprises, improving culture and communication
  • 78 Ideas to cut costs and improve financial results – Double Your Profits in 6 Months, by Bob Fifer
  • Dan Klasen from the Beverage Federation shared details on the group purchasing organization (GPO) to help you save a ‘craft load’ of money

​Join the membership today and get instant access to the brewery financial round table replay, presentation deck, and brewery cost cutting resources.

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