The 2-Minute Brewery Financial Drill

Category: Financial

Once you’ve created your brewery financial plan, the real work is to put it into practice.

To execute. To make the plan a reality.

The best way to do this is to engage your managers using weekly financial huddles and the 2-minute drill 

Weekly huddles provide time and space to focus on what’s most important from a financial perspective: cash flow and profitability.

Further, these huddles are a place to share information, ideas, and leverage the collective wisdom of your team.

Want to try this out in your brewery? Below is a template to follow.

The Two-Minute Drill Agenda

Please report on the following at the weekly financial huddles

  1. Weekly projects / objectives
  2. Issues or challenges that you need help with
  3. Key numbers for your department
  4. News from the marketplace, best practices from other breweries that we should consider
  5. What’s new? Events, beers, team happenings, news to celebrate

Use the collective wisdom of your team.  In advance of the weekly strategy meeting, ask for their input and challenge them to contribute.

Do this next:

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