Spring Special: Craft Brewery Financial Training Bundle

craft brewery financial training
Category: Uncategorized

Spring is here, time to clean up those brewery finances.

Here at Craft Brewery Financial Training, our goal is to help you improve financial results in your beer business.

And this week you can SAVE 33% off the regular membership price.

The Craft Brewery Financial Training Membership includes access to:

  • Library of brewery financial training courses
  • Brewery CFO (that’s me) to ask questions and get answers
  • Archived issues of the brewery finance newsletter
  • Library of recorded webinars with experts on brewery finances, marketing, taxes, inventory forecasting, software tools and more

As an additional bonus, you’ll get the 2022 Brewery Financial Training Program which includes 40+ lessons delivered across 6 modules, with a total of 8 hours of on-demand video instruction, 6 graded quizzes and a final exam.

Grab the brewery financial training bundle and SAVE 33%.  (Offer ends April 30th.)

Yours in Brewery Financial Training,



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