Spreadsheet Tools for the Brewery Owner-Bookkeeper

Are you both brewery owner and brewery bookkeeper?

If you’re like many craft brewery owners, you not only brew the beer and run the business, but you manage the books.

Keeping on top of your brewery finances (in addition to your brewing schedule) can be a tall task.

In this post, I’ll share some tips, spreadsheet tools and checklists to make the bookkeeping task a little easier. After all, you want to produce great financial numbers to go along with your great beer.

Start with Financial Routines

The Month End Financial Checklist is a must-have for the organized bookkeeper.

The checklist is listing of financial tasks that need to be done on a regular basis. The list includes what needs to be done, when it needs to be completed and who will do it. Pretty simple, but pretty helpful to save time and headaches with the bookkeeping.

Download the checklist, add or subtract tasks based on what is relevant for your brewery.

Use Simple Financial Reports

Income statements, balance sheets and cash flow statements can be lengthy and difficult to read.

Do yourself a favor and use simple brewery financial reports. The Simple Financial Reports here will get you started.

When you summarize the information it becomes easier to read and understand. When you read and understand you’ll take action to improve financial results in your brewery.

Wrap Up + Action Items

As brewery owner and bookkeeper you’ve got your hands full. Use the month end checklist and simple financial reports to save time and money for your brewery.

Yours in Brewery Bookkeeping,


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