PPP Round 2: What Breweries Need to Know

craft brewery financial training
Category: Podcasts

In today’s podcast we hear from Jason Sleeman from United Community Bank. Jason has 20 years’ experience in banking, and the last 6 years running the craft beverage vertical for United Community Bank.

The hot topic on everyone’s mind is the second round of PPP funding.

  • What do breweries need to know right now to take advantage of this relief package?
  • How does the NAICS code factor in to the PPP?  In other words, will production breweries who also operate taprooms qualify for a larger loan?  3.5x vs 2.5x of monthly payroll, for example.
  • What about new breweries that just opened up as the pandemic was starting…will they qualify for relief?

You’ve got questions, Jason has answers.

Key Topics:

  • PPP Round 2…Q&A with the lender
  • How to raise funds for a start-up brewery
  • Expansion financing overview…how to fund the new canning line



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