Podcast: State of the Hop Industry with Chris Holden

Category: Podcasts

Chris Holden is Director of Sales and Marketing for the Hop Guild and a grower in New York state.  In today’s podcast, Chris shares his insights on the state of the hop industry, recent trends, and talks about a new product called HOPSAUCE.

“HOPSAUCE® is The Hop Guild‘s proprietary hop oil developed to replace traditional hop products on the hot side and in the whirlpool. HOPSAUCE® will enhance flavor and aroma as well as reduce wort loss. HOPSAUCE® is flowable at room temps and makes for a perfect whirlpool product!”

Key Topics

  • State of the hop industry and recent trends
  • Hop contracts 101
  • Production forecasting tips
  • HOPSAUCE®, a new product that improves yield and saves money on shipping and storage


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