Online Course: How to Create a Brewery Profit Plan

Category: Online Courses

There are 7 key steps to creating a brewery profit plan. In this online course, we’ll walk through each step, and provide financial templates for you to fill out. At the end of the course, you’ll have a profit plan ready to rock for your brewery.

Click to access the Brewery Budget Course and enter the password profitplan when prompted to do so.

The 7 Steps to a Profit Plan:

  1. Sales
  2. Cost of Sales / Gross Profit (GP)
  3. Operating Expense (OPEX)
  4. EBITDA or Net Income
  5. Capital Expense (CAPEX)
  6. Debt service
  7. Other Cash Flow drivers: A/R, A/P, Inventory

Don’t leave your brewery profitability to chance, get the course, get the profitability that you need.


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