New Certification Program for Brewery Taproom Managers

Category: Uncategorized

A recent Gallup’s report, How Millennials Want to Work and Live, reveals that 59% of millennials say opportunities to learn and grow are extremely important to them when applying for a job.

And 76% of employees expect opportunities for career growth.

The New Taproom Manager Certification Program gives your team the training, tools and support they need to manage and grow your taproom business, and to grow professionally.

The certificate program is now available now with your Taproom Success Membership.

The Taproom Manager Certification Program

Our program includes direct access to the instructors, 5+ modules, 20+ on-demand video lessons, and over 3 hours of course content.

Included in the Program:

  • Taproom Staff Training
  • Taproom Manager Training
  • Sales Growth Tactics
  • Financial Training
  • Action Items and Implementation Strategies

Additional Taproom Success Membership Benefits:

  • Monthly Zoom Calls with Taproom Experts
    • Each month you get access to an expert to help you achieve taproom success in marketing, food service, finances, e-commerce, software systems, business strategy and more!
  • Mastermind with other Taproom Managers
    • Share best practices, new ideas, tips and tactics with other taproom managers. As part of your membership we pair you with three other taproom managers to form a taproom mastermind.
  • Taproom Training Mini-Courses
    • New on-demand short-course trainings are added on a regular basis. Topics include Event Planning, Menu Design, The Economics of Food in the Taproom, and more!

Ready to invest in your taproom business and the professional growth of your taproom manager?

Learn more about the Taproom Manager Certification Program

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