Most Popular Posts from 2021: Craft Brewery Financial Training

craft brewery financial training
Category: Financial

As we turn the calendar to a new year, let’s look back on the most popular posts from 2021.

Beer Case Equivalent Calculator

This tool will help you convert your current package sizes (22oz, 16oz, etc) into case equivalents. What’s a case equivalent? Read the post to find out!

The #1 Reason Why Craft Breweries Fail

The #1 reason why breweries fail is that they run out of cash. Want to avoid a similar fate? Monitor these 5 Cash Flow Drivers on a regular basis (at least monthly), and watch over your cash like a hawk.

Breaking Down Beer Margins

Not all products in a craft brewery’s portfolio are equally profitable. Keg beer and packaged beer, for example, can have drastically different margins. Meanwhile, the margins on a flagship beer may also be very different from one-off beers designed for rotation nation…

Yours in Positive Cash flow for 2022,


P.S. This month only, sign up for the FREE TRIAL to the Craft Brewery Financial Training subscription.

You’ll get 30 days free to test drive all the resources: Library of online courses, webinars, podcasts, and back issues of the brewery financial newsletter.

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