More Control, Lower Costs: Why Breweries Are Turning to Self-Funded Health Plans

The average health insurance premium for families and individuals has increased more than 24% in the last five years, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation. 

And there’s no sign of this slowing down.

For breweries who want to provide good, affordable healthcare for employees these cost increases are a real problem.

One option to lower costs and provide better benefits comes in the form of self-funded health insurance.

Speaking from my own experience, self-funded health plans saved our company millions of dollars.

Yes. Millions.

What exactly is self-funded insurance? How does it work? How do I know if this will be right for my business?

You’ve got a lot of questions, and Erin Butler from BevCap management has answers.  Check out the video and resources below to learn more.

Key Points

  • 65% of covered workers in the U.S. have self-funded health insurance
  • Self-funded insurance has been available in the U.S. since 1974, with the passage of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA)
  • Bottom line, self-funded insurance is not new nor limited to just a handful of large companies


  • Download the self-funded health insurance Presentation Deck
  • Connect with Erin to learn more about how you can lower costs and provide superior health benefits,
  • Watch the video or listen to the podcast below: Advantages of Self-Insurance and Healthcare Captives


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