Business chart on laptop screen on round wooden table
In today’s podcast, you’ll hear a replay of a live Q&A session from the Brewery Financial Training Program. We cover the common brewery financial problems, how to quickly identify them, and how to fix them.
The Brewery Financial Training Program is for craft brewery owners, managers and staff who need practical financial training to improve cash flow and profitability.
The Course includes 40+ lessons delivered across 6 modules, with a total of 8 hours of instruction, 6 graded quizzes and a final exam. Watch a short video to learn more.
Key topics covered:
Module #3: Common Problems in the Financials
Keg Inventory & Product Inventory
Accounts Receivable Collections & Product Margin Variances
Module #4: Beer Costing & Pricing
Beer Costing Fundamentals
Beer Pricing (and Portfolio Margins)