How to Find Funding for a New Brewery (Part 3)

Category: Financial

How to Find Funding for a New Brewery (Part 3)

In Part 1 we covered the sources and uses schedule, and in Part 2 we reviewed how to build the financial pro forma.

Next comes the business plan.

The business plan outlines the vision, the dream brewery, that you will create.

It outlines the mission, and clearly explains to everyone why your brewery needs to exist.

The plan includes measurable goals and objectives.

Financial goals, sales goals, marketing and operational goals. These goals provide clear benchmarks along the journey to realizing your vision.

Best of all, the plan is in writing, for all to see.

It is a living document that owners, managers and brewery staff can take ownership of and participate in.

The Vision may be your dream, but when you share it with others and show them clearly where you’re going, and how you all will get there, everyone is empowered and engaged to make the dream come true.

Even the people from whom you are looking to for funding.

Check out this post and short video for steps on how to build your brewery business plan.

P.S. Learn more about the network of beer industry financial professionals: the Beer Business Finance Association. We talk about brewery loans, funding, and cash flow all the time!

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