Free Webinar: Open Book Management for Craft Breweries

craft brewery financial training
Category: Financial

Free Webinar: Open Book Management for Craft Breweries

Click below to watch a replay of my webinar on open book management for craft breweries.

Register for the Webinar

Open book management is a system where financial information is shared with employees so that they can make better decisions.

Better decisions lead to better financial outcomes, and better financial outcomes lead to a stronger brewery business for everyone.

Open Book Management (OBM) requires that you train, empower, trust and reward employees.

  • Train employees in financial literacy so they understand the finances of the business.
  • Empower employees to make decisions and encourage them to do so.
  • Trust employees with sensitive information and reward them when brewery financial success is achieved.

In these uncertain times, open book management provides a way to manage your business more effectively and to reward your employees for a job well done.

Register for the Webinar to watch the Replay and learn more about open book management for craft breweries. 

P.S. Please note that this webinar is pre-recorded, but any questions email me,


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