Improve Beer Inventory Management Using the Craft Portal

Category: Podcasts

If you sell beer through a wholesaler, you have inventory management challenges. In today’s podcast we talk with Bud Dunn from GP Analytics and hear about a solution to these challenges called the Craft Portal.

The Craft Portal is a tool that allows you to easily track inventory and orders without losing time, money or your mind. Wholesalers and breweries can quickly track what was sent, what is inbound and what is needed in the future.

The rapid expansion of brands and SKUs in the beer wholesaler’s portfolio has made inventory forecasting very complex. The Craft Portal helps simplify the forecasting process so that you can reduce out of stocks, over stocks, and increase sales of your beer brands.

Key Topics

  • Inventory forecasting best practices
  • How to identify (and quantify) lost sales due to out of stocks
  • The high cost of over stock inventory
  • Understanding wholesaler incentives related to inventory levels


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