Online Course: How to Build a Self-Distribution Financial Plan

Category: Online Courses

Are you considering self-distribution, or looking to improve your current self-distro results?

The Self-Distribution Course walks you step-by-step through the financial and operational considerations that a self-distro brewery must understand to be successful.

Click to access the Self-Distribution Course and enter the password selfdistro when prompted to do so.

What you’ll get:

  • Step-by-step instructions to create a financial self-distribution plan for your brewery
  • Plug-and-play templates and models to project sales, gross profit and operating expenses
  • Start-up capital requirements, financing and loan cash flow calculators
  • Delivery account building basics, and a tool to model future delivery routes
  • Exit strategy planning: How to calculate and grow the Value of your Distribution Rights (a hidden asset for breweries)
  • State rules on self-distribution, Best Practices, Succession Planning, and more…

The course videos walk you through each step of the process to create your self-distribution plan.

You’ll have access to the videos, spreadsheets for download, and printable PDFs guide with all the self-distribution resources in one place.

Ready to get started? Just click the link below to gain access to the course.

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