If your brewery is currently losing money, a first step towards profitability is to find your break-even point.

The break-even point is the stage where your brewery stops losing money and is poised to start showing a profit.

It’s like the profit tipping point.

There are many complicated ways to calculate break-even. These include identifying your fixed and variable costs, understanding your gross margins, and running some calculations.

We’ll cover complicated in a later post.

For now, let’s review a super simple way to calculate break-even.

Do this next:

  1. Watch the Brewery Break-Even Explainer video below
  2. Download the Income Statement with Business Segments  and Break Even Template
  3. Plug in your own numbers and see how they look
  4. Learn about the Beer Business Finance Association, and our brewery financial round table meetings where we talk break-even analysis all the time



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